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Singing together unites

A primary school in Wilhelmsburg gets a professional choir director

»Sing to whom song is given!« A poet's saying as beautiful as it is true. You can experience this in your own voice in the bathtub on a Saturday afternoon. This classic applies when it comes to making music: »Early is the time to practise if you want to become a master.« We are happy to support this - with the money that we would have spend on Christmas presents for our business partners. Instead we give this money to places where it will help in a meaningful way.

Singing together unites. At a primary school in Wilhelmsburg like the one at Rotenhäuser Damm with children from more than twenty nations and just as many languages of different origins, this is of great importance. In this way, barriers can be overcome and cohesion promoted. But there was a lack of funds to build up the longed-for school choir. That is why we have committed ourselves to bringing the »Rotkehlchen« choir into being. Above all, however, the unbudgeted annual budget for a musical specialist should make professional choir direction possible.

Admittedly, not entirely altruistically. After all, our office is celebrating its twentieth anniversary in 2009. We would like to be serenaded!