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A week on the farm

Pupils get to know the colourful world of animals

Socially disadvantaged children in a rich country: officially, every fifth child in our country grows up in poverty. Among the children from a class at a primary school in Lurup, which we enabled to travel to a school farm in the Lüneburg Heath this year, it is even one in two.

What do animals that children know from schoolbooks or television look like in reality? When they can even be fed and stroked, it's a real experience.

As architects who have been working in school construction and also in socially deprived areas of our city for many years, we did not want to look away. We made it possible for twenty children and their two teachers to spend a week on a farm in the summer to get to know the colourful animal world. Cooking together, the evening campfire or a ride in a horse-drawn carriage are also on the daily schedule. All this is done without a mobile phone, which has long since been forgotten!

As always, we have supported this project with the money that is actually intended for Christmas presents among business people.