This year, we are making a contribution to the promotion of young offenders and have approached Hamburg's responsible correctional institution, Hahnöfersand in the Alte Land. There, young prisoners in the open prison system can learn to ride a motorbike on an off-road course. Under expert guidance, the participants learn elementary things in this training that are not a matter of course for them: Consideration in a group, concentration, body control and courage.
With the money that would have been spent on presents for business partners at Christmas, we support the Förderverein Partner Hahnöfersand e.V.. The trial motorbike group is to be open to prisoners in closed custody through the construction of a second practice area and thus provide an effective service in resocialisation. It is not only about keeping one's balance on the bike, but also later on in freedom.
Become a member of the Partner Hahnöfersand e.V.