In the Christmas story, Jesus' foster father plays a rather modest role on the periphery of the action. His profession is given in the Greek text as building craftsman, master builder or architect. Later it became Joseph the carpenter.
As architects, we also want to do good in the background at Christmas time in this tradition. The fate of the refugees is close to the hearts of many of us. Young people who have made the perilous journey alone are in a particularly difficult position. They need special attention. This year we are supporting a group of six minors from a reception centre who have fled from Afghanistan, Eritrea and Guinea-Bissau. Together with the House of Projects at Zollhafen, we would like to offer them a first insight into the building trade. There, they receive a professional introduction to the profession of carpenter.
We know from meeting the young people that they are grateful for the measure and highly motivated to complete it successfully.
As always, we support this with the money that was actually intended for presents among business people.