Our office has undergone an exciting transformation. On 25 May, we launched our new website at abj.eu. However, the website is only one part of the overall package with which we are raising our external image to a new level:
We also changed our company name to abj Architekt:innen, more about that here.
Furthermore, we have introduced a new corporate design with a new logo that presents our office in a more modern and professional way.
Growth spaces for people
The re-design process started with the question »Why do we do what we do?« A core statement that describes us is: We create growth spaces for people. That means we create spaces that inspire and enliven. In which people can grow according to their nature. And stimulate their environments in a lasting way.
abj Arhcitekt:innen is concerned with people and the users of architecture. But we are also concerned with people internally. About our team. At abj we offer the freedom to develop and grow together with others. To build modern, meaningful and at the same time socially sustainable architecture together. More about our benefits here.
Despite the new look, nothing has changed in terms of our attitude and values. Our commitment to modern, meaningful and at the same time socially sustainable architecture and our striving for trusting cooperation remain unchanged.