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Step by step

Visible progress in Thailand

The second week of the school construction project in Thailand was characterised by intensive work and visible progress. As the excavated earth from the clay pit on site was not sufficient for clay block production, additional earth was delivered from the region. A second clay pit was opened in the field behind the school so that bricks can now be produced at two stations in parallel. The preparations for the foundation literally went hand in hand: reinforcement cages were placed in the foundation trenches, shuttered and supported with formwork panels and the previously sharpened eucalyptus wood. The concrete delivered was used for the strip foundations, which then dried for two days - thanks to the high temperatures on site, this went quickly. There was great joy when the formwork was removed, as the foundations were solid and well done. The walls of the four classrooms are now being built brick by brick. The doors are already visible and give an impression of the future room layout. The roof work is also progressing. Teak from old buildings was purchased from the local shop for recycled wood. This wood is now being processed into roof beams and other components to make the school's roof sustainable and stable. We look forward to seeing the progress in the coming days!