The tranquil town of Zeven lies in the heart of the Elbe-Weser triangle between Hamburg and Bremen. The educational work at the primary schools in this small town in Lower Saxony is strongly characterised by offering socially disadvantaged children a solid foundation and uniting the 19 different nationalities. Not least, these framework conditions have led to an individual change in the teaching culture: In addition to classical frontal teaching, Zeven increasingly practices workshop teaching, learning at stations, free work and project-oriented work.
- Project
- New building for primary school
- Client
- Joint municipality Zeven
- PPP-Partner
- Aug. Prien & G2-Landschaft
- Service
- 1-5 HOAI
- Area
- about 3.000 m² GFA
- Location
- Kanalstraße in Zeven
- Photography
- Christian Haase