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SEK-I Campus

NEW BUILDING SEK-I Campus Bremervörde

Bremervörde invests in education: At around 24 million euros, the new SEK-I campus is the most expensive building project in the town's history. The »Schulzentrum am Birkenweg« will house the Bremervörde Hauptschule and the Findorff-Realschule, including sports facilities, under one roof. The mixture of different types of schools is unique in the district of Rotenburg. The campus consists of a three-storey main building, which forms the new school ensemble with a separate class building, canteen and existing sports hall.

New school building and canteen/auditorium
City of Bremervörde
Aug. Prien Horeis & Blatt
1-5 HOAI
about 8.000 m² GFA
Birkenweg in Bremervörde
Martin Lukas Kim | Christian Haase
1st place PPP-procedure

Colour follows function

Quick orientation options in public buildings are the be-all and end-all of good planning. Colours fulfil several functions here: They provide orientation and at the same time structure and identity. In the new building in Bremervörde, they were by no means chosen at random: Blue and green tones promote concentration and increase creativity and communication, while warm colours such as yellow or orange have a relaxing and restful effect. The school campus continues its outer colour envelope with different coloured façade panels inside with likewise acoustic wall elements and whitewashed door frames, stair railings and walls.

The different colour schemes ensure easy orientation within the school campus: Blue symbolises administration and subject teaching, green and yellow the classrooms and red the refectory.

In Bremervörde, pupils learn in clusters where classrooms can be flexibly extended with differentiation areas, laboratories and storage. In addition to the 24 general classrooms, there are a total of 19 subject classrooms and six differentiation areas in which inclusive lessons for children with special needs also take place. The entire learning environment is transparent, communicative and flooded with light.

Glass elements in the individual classrooms and skylights in the circulation and learning areas connect them with the corridor areas. The rooms themselves are equipped with modern infrastructure and robust materials, the daylight is selectively supported by artificial light.

SEK-I Campus Bremervörde
Site plan
floor plan
Upper level 01

The red refectory is the communicative heart of the campus. Up to 600 people can feast, listen or laugh here. Flexible partition walls allow the multifunctional refectory to be adapted to different group sizes and uses, furnished and also used as an assembly hall in addition to the break hall. Skylights in the ceiling and acoustic wall panels on the walls ensure a comfortable feeling in the room. The all-round glass façade has an external privacy and sun protection system that can completely darken the rooms if necessary. But not only the façade, also the roofs contribute to the energetic concept: In order to reduce the reflection and thus also the heat radiation of the sun and the sealing surface on the roofs, they are completely greened.

Voices from the team

Due to the H-shape of the building, we have succeeded in creating two separate courtyards. In addition to the students, the teachers also have their own place of retreat.


This project shows how unifying colour can be. Wall colours, stair railings, door frames and acoustic panels: everything is coordinated and forms a harmonious whole.
