22/10/24 We celebrate Tobias' 20th anniversary at abj Architekt:innen
16/09/24 Grand opening of the old secondary school in Oldenburg
11/07/24 Summer party 2024
20/06/24 Team trip to Zeven and Bremervörde
29/04/24 »Girls and Boys Day« at abj
17/04/24 Together against discrimination in the construction industry
15/12/23 Exciting exchange at the abj Academy
03/06/23 We took part in the HafenCity charity run
06/03/23 We are now the abj Architekt:innen
08/02/23 Team excursion to our construction site of the primary school in Neu Wulmstorf
24/12/22 The integrative power of the concept »The Hall« by NESTWERK e.V.
15/07/22 We love JILLs neapolitan Pizza <3
20/08/21 We tried out for ourselves the obstacles that people in wheelchairs, for example, encounter.
02/08/20 When umbrellas become sun shields
01/07/18 Adventures on the Alster
07/05/18 Inspirations from the digital world